children's ministry

wednesdays 6:30pm - 8pm  |  Pre-k - 5th Grade

Welcome To cornerstone kids

We can't wait to welcome your child to one of our CornerstoneKIDS classes on Sunday morning or our AWANA club on Wednesday night!

You're Invited!


Pre-K - 5th Grade
6:30pm - 8:00pm Wednesday

cornerstone kids sunday class

Infant-5th Grade
11:00am-12:00pm Sunday

awana club

Get ready for a high-energy night of fun at AWANA! Children in grades Pre-K - 5th grade are invited to join the fun as we play games, enjoy snacks, learn from God's Word, and memorize Scripture. AWANA clubs run from September to May.

cornerstone kids

On Sundays our children attend the worship service with their families for music and prayer then they are dismissed to an age-appropriate class to learn from God's Word.

next cornerstone kids gathering